Welcome to our family home


The spirit here, Lionel got a taste of it from birth and I joined him in his environment. He shapes us and we bring him who we are. It shapes our children who grow up every day in a preserved space.

Share our values.... 

  We want to be attentive to the smooth running of your stay, make you taste the apple juice from here, walnut kernels ....listen to everyone's stories with ease, explain the territory, share a vegetable from the garden, picking fruit, all the values committed to sustainable rural development. Values recognized and associated with the Chartreuse Natural Park's Home Brand.


Why not explain how renewable energy works to you.

   Coucher de soleil au pied du petit Som   

Dare to innovate …                                

  • By proposing rural tourism in 1987 whilst agriculture was particularly based on intensive culture at the time   
  • With 25 m² of solar panels as soon as 1997                
  • By installing a kitchen corner in each room so as to allow access for the majority of budgets        
  • By using the "tourist for business" term before everyone else, because I was asked to 
  • Pionneer of gîtes for handicapped people since 2002 … J'Handi +scout repartant au petit matin

capteurs solaire                                    


Passioned by Human Beings …

mésange bleue Parents of Mathias (2005) and Clémence (2008), we are committed to accompanying them to who they are and will become.
 Humans touch us with their potential, their diversity, their wonders, their complexities.
 We try to be careful that everyone can be welcomed as fairly as they can.
We also take a clear look at our environment. Small gestures, important things are born, and everyone has to bring his little drop of water.... That's the message of the "Colibri."


Clemence and our Mare Comtoise Coquette.

Lionel, Patricia et Mathias



Creating is to express one self …

                                   And I love it !Pépé Antoine et Théo


                                            Art postal       

         A lot of fun was taken to develop the layout and decoration of the rooms and cottages.
The colors were inspired by those of the rural environment in which we live, to make the shades and give the names to the rooms and cottages




Make this place live … 

Living Shine de Bruno Grippari The spirit here is Life and its movements.   This house has always been lived in and the fields cultivated and we are happy that it's still like that… that the house is still useful, that the shadow of the fruit trees sooth those who take a snooze, that the orchard be also a place to play, to read, to admire la Grande Sure, to eat in the open air …

And then in June 2013, with the "Art in Gardens" show, I at last had the chance to welcome artisits, and what a pleasure! To be repeated ! JArtdins sculptures d'Isabelle Valfort

Pedro Fron et son expo vivante



  Bruno Grippari


















Working in a Network is essential …

Acteurs du tourisme en Pays Voironnais

Since we live in St Aupre, we have been actively involved in several tourist development structures/label (Chartreuse Park, the Voironnais country, ...). In this territory, colored with all family history, it is essential to move forward together and we want to be actors of reflections, of progress, of projects, in collaboration. We are also involved in the life of the village and in the various events that are organized there.


 Keeping the Authenticity 

Dans le jardinof this human and real estate heritage is important to us, and are careful to make it coexist as much as possible with the country environment teeming with life.

To carry out this project in this spirit, intensive work was required and lasted 18 months.







On reste OUVERT

il y a 1570 jours


Le Pré Chardon reste ouvert pour vous et peut vous accueillir lors de vos déplacements.

Avec toutes les mesures qui s'imposent bien sur !
