Welcome to our family home

The Building

A bit of history 

The building is already on Napoleons land registry in 1754 and is called "Pré Chardon".

It's been passed down from mother to daughter for 5 generations.



Magdeleine BILLON-GRAND, son mari et leur fille (debout derrière)

 The building was bought in auction the 26 July 1891 from Joseph Alexandre ROSSET, sand extractor at St Etienne de Crossey by Mr Joseph BILLON GRAND, a carpenter at St Aupre for his daughter Magdeleine (seated, on the right of the photo).



Magdeleine BILLON GRAND passed it onto Rosalie Angélique BARRAL 

Rosalie et Joseph BARRAL


Angèle et Antoine BOIZOT


                                                                                      Rosalie passed it onto Angèle BOIZOT






Simone et Henri MASSE NAVETTE

       Angèle  passsed it onto Simone  MASSE NAVETTE 

who passed it to her daughter in avril 1995 


 Lionel's cousin Blandine sells it to us in July 2019...    


Simone and her sister Arlette, Lionel's mother 
Simone and her sister Arlette, Lionel's mother   



Joseph et Arlette PEGOUD, Lionel's parents  


Family history continues




Building work

We refurbished our house in the autumn of 1995. Following my grandfather Antoine's death, who lived in the rest of the building, we imagined the project of "Le Pré Chardon" in that part of the house.

There was a lot of work to do, we started in the winter of 2002, our children were 7, 5 and 2 years old. We did everything except the floor ane the hole in the wall (done by Les Fréres Billon of St Aupre) and the electricity.


L'ouverture des chambres d'hôtes et gite de l'étage en mai 2003 fut un délicieux moment, le gîte Valériane ouvre ses portes en mai 2008.

On reste OUVERT

il y a 1553 jours


Le Pré Chardon reste ouvert pour vous et peut vous accueillir lors de vos déplacements.

Avec toutes les mesures qui s'imposent bien sur !
